Homer & Paulene Reyna

What does it mean to you and Paulene to be able to purchase this home?
When I think of the American dream, I picture a sunny day with the BBQ lit, surrounded by the people you love. Soldier On made the American dream a reality for us. Buying this home in Brownsville, Texas, means we have our own independence. Not that there's anything wrong with renting or living with a friend or family member, but owning a home provides security, safety, and autonomy. We have our own kingdom, The Reyna House.
The credit counseling that Soldier On provided was truly a game changer for Paulene and me. We had no clue about the credit world and how it works. This program gave us the tools we needed to successfully reach our goals. Our counselor was very understanding, and knew how to walk you through the steps necessary to overcome obstacles and setbacks.
How did you benefit from credit counseling sessions?
For all my fellow veterans: do not feel like you don't deserve all the benefits that are provided for us. They are here to help us. Most of the time it is veterans helping other veterans which is really comforting, so do not be discouraged to seek out and take advantage of these opportunities.
Any advice you can give to other veterans?
I am second generation American from a Mexican background. I have spent my entire life in south Texas. I come from a single-parent household, and my mom raised a man to the best of her abilities, and that showed me grit, discipline, and hard work. As a kid I always enjoyed sports because it got me away from the classroom which was not my strong suit. In 2014 | made the decision to join the Marines. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that the Marines are the most respected and most feared, so I gave it a shot, and ended up enjoying every minute of it. I finished my active-duty service in 2018. During that time there was not really anything going on compared to the 2000s, so I stayed on home soil my entire enlistment. I was stationed in the wing unit Marine Wing Support Squadron, MWSS 271, where I spent most of my career. I got out in one term when Paulene and I had our first born, Ella. She changed our lives, and I knew I could not be away from her. That was the factor that made me EAS (End of Active Service). There is nothing I would take back. The Marines taught me more than just shooting a weapon. I carry these life lessons with me and hope to pass it on to my family.
Tell us about yourself, your family, and your time in the service: